
Friday 23 December 2016

Banjar Red Arowana

Common name : Banjar Red Arowana, Asian Arowana, Asia Arowana, Dragon Fish, and Asian Bonytongue.

Scientific name :  Scleropages Formosus.

Average Adult Fish Size : 45 - 65 cm.

Place of Origin : Banjarmasin City, West of Kalimantan Island,Indonesia.

Tank setup : A lot of swimming space is necessary,no decorate more better then you decorate it with rock work, bogwood/driftwood and sturdy plants. Because an agitated asian arowana may uproot plants with poor root systems.

Minimum Aquarium Capacity : 55 gallon / 220 litre for juveniles, but a fully grown adult will need an aquarium that is 250 gallon / 1000 litre or larger.

Compatibility : 4 or more juveniles can be kept together, but 6 or more is better. The same with adults, but this is a gamble as some adults never tolerate others of their own kind. Beside keeping them in more bigger tank they should be kept with peaceful to moderately aggressive fish that cannot be eaten and that will not harass the arowana fish.

Temperature : 24 – 30 Deg C, and 34 Deg C when do the treatment.

pH Balance : pH 6.0 – 7.7

Feeding : Juveniles will readily eat small fish, tadpoles, fresh water shrimp, live brine shrimp, live brown worms, small earthworms and other live foods, for adults they will eat any life animal like frog,shrimp,crickets,cockroach.

Sexing : Male more longer,more color, and female have a wider body, especially when having eggs, females will look fat.

Breeding : Asian arowana are mouthbrooders and are readily bred in large ponds, but difficult in aquariums.Until now, only Silver Arowana Brazil can breed in the aquariums.

Additional information for a hobbyist : It is critical that the aquarium has a tight fitting and secured lid that is extremely strong. asian arowana are avid jumpers and can easily knock a heavy glass lid onto the floor! Many an asian arowana has been lost this way. They do not tolerate poor water quality, so excellent filtration along with frequent partial water changes of 25% to 70% or more everyday is required to keep nitrates low.
Their tank should be placed in low traffic area to keep the asian arowana from getting frightened by sudden movements. Sudden movements around their aquarium should be avoided. Lighting should preferably be dimmed instead of suddenly turning it on or off. A scared or agitated Arowana can easily injure itself.

This type still entice hobbyists to have it, even though banjar red arowana is on the third level position.
Red color on the tail is indeed inconspicuous but few have yellowish and greenish base with horse shoe shaped scales with predominance of pink on the scales all over his body.
Have a sparkling yellow fin bit greenish yellowish red colour also on this type of fish make much hunted by the hobbyists. This fish is called a red fin siluk origins namely south kalimantan in the rivers kapuas, Banjarmasin. This fish is called the dragon fin red if it has scales arranged neatly on the back and large size.